Wednesday, October 01, 2008

New source for used books

Yesterday afternoon I went to our local recycling center to drop off a load of cardboard. While I was there, I took a few minutes to go through the book bin and boy am I glad I did! . Someone had obviously been going through their cookbooks and gotten rid of a large stack. I love cookbooks, being of the "read them like novels" persuasion, so I was excited to see them. But I was absolutely thrilled when I pulled out The Enchanted Broccoli Forest by Mollie Katzen!

If you aren't familiar with her work, she's most well known for the Moosewood Cookbook, a classic vegetarian cookbook that I've had my eye on for a while. Granted the cookbook in the bin was the older version, not the new one (which is what's featured in the link above), but I still can't believe someone would just throw out such a gem! In fact, there were TWO of them in the book recycling bin. I gave the second one to the gentleman who was eyeing the other vegetarian cookbook in my stack.

I am so glad I took the time to dig through the box and am thrilled to have a new source for free used books! (By the way, we also got an old but working computer monitor out of the electronics recycling bin once to use when our monitor was on the fritz)


Courtney said...

Ooh, I wish our recycling center had something like that! I'm just thrilled they take paper, plastic, glass, etc.!

Rita Loca said...

Books are my vice! I can never have enough!