Friday, August 18, 2006

Update from Kisumu

Well, I’m in Kisumu checking email after quite a while. The M.O. for now will probably to write posts at home on my computer and then post a few at a time when I make it to town. You can see from the posts I put up today that my time in Kenya so far has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. Please pray for consistent emotions. I’m doing fine now, but I’m sure that other difficult days will come.

I’m still waiting for official approval from the appropriate people at MSU to actually start my research. In the meantime, I’m getting settled in the village and will start meeting with local officials to re-introduce myself and explain my research. I’ll also work on finding a research assistant. So another thing to pray for would be quick approval so that I can actually get started. There were some delays with the initial application and so far it’s taking a little longer than I expected to hear back from the review board.

I’m also working on posting some pictures, but the connection is not so fast. We’ll see how far I get before I have to leave today.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Ach, I should have read this post before commenting on the next one :)

I will pray for those specific things along with you.