Monday, March 14, 2011

I turned 30 and I won't be blogging for a while

I turned 30 on Saturday. Funny how 30 seems pretty young these days! My parents came for the weekend to help celebrate (This makes 30 years that my mom's been a mother too!) They toopk Daniel to play on Saturday afternoon/evening and Dave and I went out for dinner and coffee.

Now that I'm 30, I can't blog anymore. Just kidding. Actually, during lent we are fasting from certain things as a church community and one of them is media and electronic devices. Therefore I will not be blogging for the next six weeks. I'm hoping to have some time to write and process and some of it may find it's way here after a while.

During this time, we are especially asking God for direction as it relates to our post-residency plans (Dave finishes his general surgery residency in June 2012). As of now, we are making plans to move to East Africa where Dave will hopefully be able to work with a residency program training African surgeons. I've been wanting to write more about this, and I will when I start blogging again, but I mention it now to ask you to pray as you think of us in the next six weeks - that we would continue to grow and press into God, that we would trust in His provisions, and that He would lead us, guide us and make the next steps clear.


Ruth Chowdhury said...

I will definitely be praying, Sarah!

Courtney said...

I know how much you guys have been wanting to move back to Africa. Praying that God's will will be clear! :)

Christine said...

Happy Birthday! I just turned 30, too! Blessings to you.

megs92 said...

I hope you had a GREAT 30th birthday! What a fun milestone :)

I was so excited to read that you're hoping to return to Afrika Mashariki full-time. This has been in our minds, too, though we're a few years behind you.

I will be praying for you all as you're weighing your options and allowing God to lead you. I'm so eager to hear more!
