Tuesday, September 15, 2009

5 weeks

My baby is 5 weeks old today and he's getting so big. I'm already realizing how quickly the time goes by and how fast he's changing. I miss looking down at his little shoulders. Now he has chunky shoulders and I wish I had a picture of what I used to see when I would looked at him as he was nursing. I really think he smiled at me today - in response to me talking to him and smiling at him. Is that possible at 5 weeks? That's all for now. Daniel's in bed and I'd better go join him!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The state of things

Challenging but good

Tired but making it

Enjoying a cute, sweet baby

Sometimes overwhelmed, sometimes doing great

Working together with Dave to make it all happen

Thankful for help from friends with meals, dishes and laundry

Grateful for even the shortest of naps

Ready for the go ahead to start walking outside but enjoying the porch swing in the meantime

3 weeks old today:

Napping with Grandpa Halter:

Warm and cozy after a bath: